I am happy to inform you that SMEP has entered a new dawn in the following areas:-
a) Transformation into a DTM on 25th August, 2010 SMEP was issued with a letter of Intent by CBK, which is an approval in principle to conduct Nationwide Deposit Taking Microfinance Business. This letter takes SMEP a step closer, towards becoming a licensed Deposit Taking Microfinance institution. Currently we have a Nationwide Network with 32branches/satellites with over 70,000 customers , and Kshs 1billion outstanding portfolio. SMEP is working towards fulfilling the final phase of the requirements as set out by CBK.
b) Governance- New Chairman- Mr. Gabriel Kivuti takes over the leadership from Mr Joseph Muriu who has spearheaded the institution since inception. Mr Kivuti has a wealth of experience in both Microfinance and Banking- having worked with Standard Chartered bank, been a board member of various institutions including Micro Finance Institutions. He has been and is still a practicing consultant in microfinance and banking. Currently consulting for world bank.
c) Management Information system Upgrade T 24 Emerge
We are delighted to announce that through financial support from Triple Jump Advisory Services, STRAJ T24 Consultants together with our ICT team have successfully upgraded our ICT system from Release RO5 WINDOWS Platform TO Release R08 LINUX / WEB BROWSER Platform. We are indeed grateful for the support given by Triple Jump.
We are delighted to announce that through financial support from Triple Jump Advisory Services, STRAJ T24 Consultants together with our ICT team have successfully upgraded our ICT system from Release RO5 WINDOWS Platform TO Release R08 LINUX / WEB BROWSER Platform. We are indeed grateful for the support given by Triple Jump.
To cater for the new dawn, SMEP has embarked on various reforms. These include but are not limited to construction of new state of art banking halls in Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru, Mwea, Maua and Kisumu amongst others, increasing its visibility through branding, reviewed agriculture products , and other products to provide a supermarket of products for our customers, training staff and upgrading the Company’s MIS to also consolidate both portfolio and finance.
We are looking forward to your continued support, financially or otherwise to enable us reposition SMEP be the preferred and model provider of high quality financial and non-financial services in Kenya in order to alleviate poverty and enhance a strong and equitable economy.
We sincerely thank you all for making SMEP what it is!!
God richly bless .
Mrs. Phylis I.Mbungu
Chief Executive Officer
Small & Micro Enterprise Programme
Kirichwa Rd off Argwings Kodhek Rd
P.O Box 64063 - 00620
Tel+254/020-2055761,020-2673327/8, 0711807040
E-Mail: ceo@smep.co.ke/info@smep.co.ke
Gabriel Kivuti
Chairman, SMEP
E-mail: gabrielkivuti@yahoo.com