The new logo exudes freshness, the colors symbolize the diversity of INAFI membership and yet they blend in harmony. Green, the dominant color symbolizes sustainability. The shape is square which has four equal sides and four equal angles which denote strategic cooperation among its networks based on the spirit of equal partnership and mutual interest sharing the same vision and mission.
INAFI also renewed is website. Please visit www.inafi.org/. In addition, in order to keep pace with the fast changing development in the sector and to promote better links with the member organizations, INAFI just started this new blog which serves as a forum for interactive discussion on relevant topics, news, events, links and other resources. The blog complements our website.
We also would like to announce that INAFI International just moved to a new office. Please see below our new contact address:
International Network of Alternative
Financial Institutions (INAFI)
Fondation Internationale des Institutions
de Financement Alternatif (INAFI)
Sacré Cœur 2, N° 8609 D
BP: 45374 Dakar-Fann, SENEGAL
Tel.: +(221) 33 825 32 22
Fax: +(221) 33 825 32 23