Monday, 29 March 2010

INAFI attends Africa-Middle East Microcredit Summit in Nairobi

A large delegation from INAFI networks is attending the Africa-Middle East Microcredit Summit in Nairobi which will be held on April 7-10.
If you are attending the Africa – Middle East Regional Microcredit Summit, you may be interested to know that INAFI is conducting an an hour-long associate workshop on Microfinance, Remittances, and Development: INAFI’ Members Responses within the summit itself.

For detailed program of the Summit, please check:

INAFI has been assigned to conduct an associated session with the title "Microfinance, Remittances, and Development: INAFI Members' Responses. The session is scheduled on April 7, 17:45 – 18:45, Room: Tsavo A 

Leila Rispens-Noel, Senior Advisor of INAFI International will lead the session. Detailed description of the session can be dowloaded here

Several members of INAFI will be actively participating in the Summit as panelists in various sessions.

1.      Mr. Fazle Hasan Abed, BRAC Bangladesh
2.      Hon. Soukeyna Ndyiaye Ba, INAFI International
3.      Mr. Akin Akintola, Community Development Foundation, Nigeria
4.      Dr. Jennifer N. Riria, KWFT
5.      Mr. Mwangi Githanga, KWFT
6.      Mr. John Mwara Kibochi, Faulu, Kenya
7.      Mr. Peter Mugendi, KADET Kenya
8.      Mr. Godwin Ehiglamusoe, LAPO Nigeria
9.      Mr. Daouda Sawagodo, FCPB Burkina Faso

Please inform and invite your contacts and networks about the associated session.

See you all in Nairobi!

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