Monday, 28 June 2010

MFTransparency Launches Pricing Initiative in Senegal

On July 6th, 2010, MFTransparency will host a workshop and cocktail reception to celebrate the launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Senegal. The workshop will be held at Pullman Teranga Hotel in Dakar from 9:00am – 1:30pm. This event has been coordinated in conjunction with Luxembourg Cooperation, INAFI International, DMF (Direction de la Microfinance) and APSFD (Association Professionelle des Systèmes Financiers Décentralisés). 

 MFTransparency works with MFIs, Central Banks, and investors to bring pricing transparency to the microfinance industry. Senegal is the first country in West African to be selected for MFTransparency‘s Transparent Pricing Initiative. In this workshop we will share with all MFIs the new industry standard for calculating interest rates for microcredit products. We will also explain how each institution can actively participate in becoming a member of the MFTransparency project. As a member, MFIs will benefit directly from MFTransparency’s Senegal Market Data. This workshop is a wonderful opportunity to share experiences with peer institutions as well as learn from experiences of other institutions in other countries from around the world.

If you have not yet RSVP’d to the MFTransparency’s Transparent Pricing Workshop or if you have any further questions please contact Fatima Kourouma at or contact AP/SFD-Senegal at

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